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Forex Trading Sessions

Published by Ali Muhammad
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For a beginner, the most important thing to understand in Forex is the Forex trading sessions so that he/she can find out at which time of the day is best for trading.

You must have heard that Forex is a 24/5 market. Even though that is true, but this doesn’t imply that trading is happening the entire day.

The best time to trade Forex is when there is either movement upward or downward. But when the market is still and not moving at all, there is very little chance for you to make money.

forex trading sessions

Forex Market Hours

Before we dig deeper into the best times to trade Forex, let us break down the 24-hour trading day so that you can visualize how it looks.

What are the 4 trading sessions?

In Forex Market, there are four major trading sessions in Forex.

  • Sydney session
  • Tokyo session
  • London session
  • New York session

Forex 3-session system

For the above four major forex trading sessions, there a historically three peak forex trading sessions.

As long as you can focus on one of these three peak trading sessions, you are good to go. There is no need for you to trade in Forex 24 hours a day.

These three peek sessions are called European, North American, and Asian trading sessions, based on the names of continents.

Alternatively, people also call them London, New York, and Tokyo sessions, based on the names of cities.

Following the international dateline, a new calendar day starts. In New Zealand, the Forex market opens on Monday morning, at which time most of the world is enjoying Sunday.

The New Zealand session is also called the Sydney session.

From Monday to Friday, the market is open 24 hours.

The market is only closed during weekends. There are only two public holidays in the forex market Christmas and New Year’s Day, other than weekends.

forex market hours

Forex market hours chart

Below you can see the forex market hours chart for a better understanding of forex sessions.

Spring/Summer in the U.S. (March/April – October/November)

Sydney Open – 7:00 AM Sydney Close – 4:00 PM5:00 PM 2:00 AM10:00 PM 7:00 AM
Tokyo Open – 9:00 AM Tokyo Close – 6:00 PM8:00 PM 5:00 AM1:00 AM 10:00 AM
London Open – 8:00 AM London Close – 4:00 PM3:00 AM 11:00 AM8:00 AM 4:00 PM
New York Open – 8:00 AM New York Close – 5:00 PM8:00 AM 5:00 PM1:00 PM 10:00 PM

Fall/Winter in the U.S. (October/November – March/April)

Sydney Open – 7:00 AM Sydney Close – 4:00 PM3:00 PM 12:00 AM8:00 PM 5:00 AM
Tokyo Open – 9:00 AM Tokyo Close – 6:00 PM7:00 PM 4:00 AM12:00 AM 9:00 AM
London Open – 8:00 AM London Close – 4:00 PM3:00 AM 11:00 AM8:00 AM 4:00 PM
New York Open – 8:00 AM New York Close – 5:00 PM8:00 AM 5:00 PM1:00 PM 10:00 PM

Forex Trading Sessions Video Tutorial

Forex Trading sessions | Best time to trade in Forex | forex session Explained

The Art of Time is NOT Wasting It!

LaSean R Shelton

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1. Learn supply and demand from the cheat sheet here
2. Get access the Supply & Demand Indicator here
3. Understand the fair value gap here
4. Use the set and forget strategy here
5. Follow the risk management plan here

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